
The night sky is illuminated by the lights of the cityscape, featuring a skyline of towering skyscrapers, buildings, and tower blocks in a metropolitan area.

Minor in
International Business

At 六合彩现场直播, our approach to learning is based on the US educational system, giving you more choice and flexibility.

One way this greater choice is shown is through the options given to students. Alongside your main subject specialism or ‘major’, you can add extra flavour to your degree by taking a 鈥榤inor鈥, an optional, additional subject which doesn鈥檛 need to be related to your major but it could be a subject that you鈥檙e passionate about. Or it could give you a competitive edge when it comes to graduation.

The Minor in International Business studies introduces you to business and entrepreneurship, macroeconomics and microeconomics. You then get a chance to develop your knowledge in management and international business.

Please note, this minor is not available for students majoring in Business Management or Marketing.

Programme Structure

An undergraduate may complete the requirements of one major and one minor and receive one US degree. A minor is an optional subject of specialisation within the undergraduate degree, which must be outside of the undergraduate major course of study and consist of at least 18 US /72 UK credits. A minor may not be completed independent of an undergraduate degree.

Undergraduates who add a minor to their major degree programme will normally need to complete more than the minimum 120 US/480 UK credits required for graduation. The normal course load for a full-time undergraduate student is 15-16 US/60-64 UK credits a semester. The minimum full-time undergraduate course load is 9 US/36 UK credits a semester.

Minor in International Business

US Credits

UK Credits

  • ECN 7200 Economic Analysis for Managers

    This course exposes students to advanced applied microeconomic analysis and global macroeconomics with a management focus. Complex economic choices and decisions of economic agents are investigated within the business context, and the global macroeconomic environment is analysed concerning its multidimensional relevance for corporations.

3 12
  • MGT 7110 Managing Organisations and People

    Organisations consist of the people who work within them. The objectives of this course are therefore to raise the student's awareness of the centrality of managing organisations and people to understanding organisational functioning and effectiveness. To show how an understanding of human behaviour via the disciplinary bases of psychology, sociology and anthropology profoundly deepen our analysis of organisations. To demonstrate the core value of an understanding of managing organisations and people to a manager's ability to achieve organisational goals.

3 12
  • MKT 7100 Global Marketing Strategy

    This course sets forth principles of strategic marketing management and sets these principles within the framework of theory and practice. Students will gain a broad understanding of resource based theory from a global perspective, including the relevance and role of company resources and competitive strengths in constructing both single business and multi business strategies. Through critical appraisal of the subject, students will become aware of the role and importance of incorporating business ethics, values, and social responsibilities when creating and executing company strategy.

3 12
plus THREE level 5 / 6 INB courses Minimum of 9 Minimum of 36
Minor Requirements 18 72

The University reserves the right to cancel or replace programmes and/or courses for which there is insufficient enrolment or concerns about academic standards, or for which the University cannot provide adequate teaching resources. Reasonable and appropriate effort is made to ensure that the content of courses corresponds with the descriptions in the University鈥檚 Programme and Course Listings.

For more detailed information on each of the course specifications, please visit our webpage here.

What is the Liberal Arts?

We understand that not everyone is familiar with the Liberal Arts education system. That is why we have produced a short guide explaining the structure at 六合彩现场直播 as well as the benefits.

A cartoon illustration depicts a smiling sun in the sky.
The person has long hair.

What our students say

A key element of the 六合彩现场直播 experience was that students learn to respect, value and appreciate the diversity of others; something I feel cannot be taught in the classroom.

One of the many reasons I enjoyed my time at 六合彩现场直播 was because of the diversity of backgrounds and personalities of the students. Additionally, I recognized the benefits of small class sizes and the opportunities for creating strong ties with fellow students.

– Vasi Papadopoulos, Business Administration: International Business