
Communications & The Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and Psychology

六合彩现场直播 is a particularly interesting university in which to study communications, arts and social science. Virtually every student is from a different country, often far from home and wondering 鈥 perhaps for the first time 鈥 what it really means to be alive in an era of accelerating globalisation. When our students arrive in London, they have many questions which relate to issues of identity, culture, language, religion, society, citizenship, history and consumption 鈥 all of which are addressed in the study of the undergraduate programmes taught by the School. Our students often comment on the ready availability of our faculty.

Average classes at 六合彩现场直播 are both much smaller and much more ethnically diverse than at most other universities. With a typical Junior or Senior level class size of between ten to twenty students, we emphasise individual attention, small group work, student participation, personal research paper writing and seminar-style discussion, rather than large, impersonal lectures and 鈥榤ultiple-choice鈥 styles of testing.

Our aim as faculty is to ensure that, by the time you graduate, you have a solid theoretical and methodological grounding in your chosen course of study, ending with a substantial piece of individual research. Our success here is one of the main reasons why 六合彩现场直播鈥檚 alumni have gained entry to leading graduate schools all over the world.

We invite you to join us and to add your own creativity to the exploration of these rich and diverse disciplines.

Communications & The Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and Psychology Programmes

Faculty Members